Sunday, June 7, 2015

Over Protected

That amazing little excerpt is from a convo btw my younger sister and I and her crazy theories based on Lifetime Movies about where/how likely you are to be murdered based on geographic location. 

Dating continues and it's been entertaining being able share my stories but I think i should probably dial it back soon and go back to being my usual private self. I say that because there's a huge imbalance of opinions.

I have one set of friends and family that are like YAAASSS HONEY YAAASSS!!! With every guy I meet. 

The other set is..he's not that cute...I don't know about him...

I'm no means a model and I'm fairly sure I've said that before and will continue to say so. That's why it's confusing to hear that such and such guy isn't cute bc it's like well, I don't think they are uggo or I wouldn't have responded and I'm no beauty queen either so it would be ironic if I were to be all judgey about that. 

I hope all this dating comes to an end soon bc it's exhausting and off putting. 

I'm secretly pulling for someone but that has yet to be seen.... 

Crossing my fingers that this next one is not a d-bag or creep. 
