Saturday, May 30, 2015

Just Haven't Met You Yet...

Online dating and dating in general is the most amusing, terrifying and confusing experience. 

Creepy messages? Check
Good dates? Check
Bad dates? Check

I have to have hope that I'm going to meet a great guy soon. 

I tried doing a free dating site but deleted that account in exactly a week. I thought there'd be no harm in it but there is--welcome to all of the cheap and shallow people. One could argue that the same cheap and shallow people are on a paid site (and they definitely are literally the same people sometimes) but at least with the paid site, it seems more legit. 

I can't explain it other than I had signed up last Thursday and by Friday morning I had 154 likes. While I'm not unfortunate, I'm certainly no model so this whole thing was obvious that standards were low and they would hit on anything that would respond.

I've only met three guys in person (2 from the paid and one from the free one) and I don't know if it's coincidence or not but even though they clearly didn't pan out, they were still better than my freebie. 

Paid #2 Guy was super sweet and it took us a while to meet for whatever reason. Met in person and it wasn't awkward At all. The trouble for me was that, I have no idea what happened but meeting him I person moved him into the friend zone within the first five minutes. He didn't do anything wrong--total gentleman, funny, good conversationalist but that extra thing that makes you feel romantic feelings or sparks wasn't there. I felt like I had dinner with one of my boys. We exchanged a few more texts after that, but then nothing. I sincerely hope he finds a nice girl bc he deserves it. It just didn't work out. Shoot, I kinda wish I knew a girl to set him up with! Hahah 

Paid Guy #1 and Freebie....I can't shake a stick at that right now...for either guy. I'll probably tackle one or both later.

It's terrible because I wanted to stay just friends with all three of these guys in the event that things didn't work out bc none of them seemed like bad guys (although... I'm reconsidering that statement about one...) but all three seemed to make it clear that they are not here for my friendship. I have no choice but to understand and respect that although I do think it's silly. Like dude, so what if we weren't meant to be--now that the pressure is off, you now have a new friend! That's how I see it anyways.

I really do want to just want to scream and give up sometimes because of all the hundreds of bullshit emails and messages I get hahah People are fucking STUPID. It's literally painful. 

I won't give up on love but it's exhausting .
